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Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions |
Lifetime Imaging of Biological Tissues In
Vitro and In Vivo using
Multiphoton Laser Scanning Microscopy Department of Mechanical and Materials
Engineering Abstract In
this work, a modern biomedical instrumentmultiphoton
laser scanning microscope (MPLSM)is used to image biological specimens
by inducing fluorescence from stained fluorophores or tagged fluorescence
proteins both in vitro and in vivo. By integrating with a time-correlated single-photon
counting (TCSPC) detector and a lifetime measurement module, the modified
MPLSM system extracts further optical informationfluorescence
the fluorescent emission of the specimens. Lifetime images of several
biological specimens are presented, showing that the lifetime information
extracted from the fluorescence signals can serve as indicators to
identify the biological, physical, and chemical microenvironments of the
fluorophores, e.g., biochemical constituents, pH value, and temperature.
Moreover, lifetime images at various emission wavelengths are collected
using a concave optical grating, providing additional optical information
from the same biological specimen. The
presented biological imaging technique exhibits promising potentials for
human diseases diagnosis. Keywords Multiphoton
laser scanning microscopy, Spectral-lifetime imaging, Fluorescence imaging 1. Introduction Multiphoton laser scanning microscopy (MPLSM) is the new generation of laser scanning microscopy technique, which is based on nonlinear matter-light interactions to visualize the distribution and dynamics of biological tissues, cells, and sub-cellular organelles. Unlike conventional confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), where a blue or UV excitation laser light with wavelength ~400 nm or shorter is applied to induce fluorescence emission from a biological specimen via single-photon excitation, MPLSM employs a high-intensity pulsed laser with longer wavelength (NIR) to induce multiphoton excitation, where several photons are simultaneously absorbed to excite a fluorophore (Zipfel et al., 2002). One immediate benefits of a longer excitation wavelength is the reduced scattering, as the Rayleigh scattering effect scales as l-4 (Hecht, 2001) . If the wavelength is doubled, the scattering is 16 weaker than that of the original wavelengthover an order of magnitude reduction. This unique feature makes it possible to induce deeper fluorescence sectioning in a highly scattering biological environment, e.g., lipids in cytoplasm, dramatically increasing the sectioning capability of a laser scanning microscope. Meanwhile, since multiphoton excitation occurs exclusively at high-photon-density region, which is the focal point, optical section of the image is intrinsically well-defined; the confocal aperture used in CLSM to block fluorescence emission out of the focal region is no longer required. The confinement of excitation to the small focal area also eliminates most of the undesired interactions with the excitation light, resulting in less phototoxicity and photobleaching for living specimens, which makes MPLSM valuable for studying biological behaviors and functions in vivo (Squirrell et al., 1999) . Although MPLSM has been used to image and trace labeled proteins, observe thick sections, and visualize three-dimensional structures, due to the strum overlapping of fluorescence spectra in a multi-labeled specimen, e.g., yellow fluorescent proteins (YFP) and green fluorescent proteins (GFP), optical filters and specific computer algorithms are generally required to enhance image discrimination (Dickinson et al., 2001; Lansford et al., 2001) , since a photon emitted in a wavelength region shared by two (or more) labeling proteins has no history of which particular protein it comes from. However, one useful information that can be further extracted from the fluorescence emission is the fluorescence lifetime (Pawley, 1995) , which will shift when the histological stains and the fluorescence proteins are bound to different components of the cells and tissues, i.e., lifetime values can clearly identify the microenvironments of the specimens. The combination of spectral images with lifetime information will maximize the usage of fluorescence signals. Such combined information will be presented in this work and can be significant for biological imaging and medical diagnosis. 2. Experimental Principles and Setup The
lifetime imaging system in this work combines a multiphoton laser scanning
microscope with a fluorescence lifetime measurement system. Fluorescence
emission from fluorophores is induced by fs laser pulses through
multiphoton excitation, and the lifetimes are determined using a
time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) system. To resolve the
spectral information of the emission, a concave optical grating is used to
disperse the fluorescence emission. For the overall or specific
wavelength, the lifetime values of each pixel are then displayed as
pseudocolors to form a lifetime image. 2.1 Fluorescence Lifetime and Measurement Principle After
the fluorophores are excited by single- or multiphoton excitation, the
excited electron states are unstable and can be occupied only for a very
short time period. One of the mechanisms for the excited electrons to
relax back to the ground state is fluorescence emission. If one monitors
the fluorescent decay with time, an exponential decay of the intensity I
can be observed, which takes the form:
If0 is the peak intensity of fluorescence
emission, t is time, and t
is the fluorescence or excited electron lifetime. When time t
equals the fluorescence lifetime t, 63% of the excited
electrons have returned to the ground state. Generally speaking, the
lifetime values of each scanned pixel can be determined by single
exponential decay curve with the associated lifetime t. However, due to the limited resolution of each scanned pixel, the
collected fluorescence emission may be resulted from more than one
fluorophore. In such a case, a double-exponential or higher order
exponential decay will appear. The lifetime, therefore, can be determined
(Subramaniam et al., 1999)
is the ith lifetime
component associated with ti.
Instead of
directly monitoring the intensity decay, the current technology also
allows lifetime measurement to be conducted in either frequency or
temporal domain
(Pawley, 1995)
For measurement in vivo
in the current work, due to the weaker fluorescence emission and higher
sensitivity to signal-to-noise ratio of the detectors, a TCSPC system
combined with a fast, high-sensitivity photomultiplier (PMT) is employed
to efficiently measure the fluorescence lifetime in the temporal domain
for each scanned pixel. The idea of TCSPC is based on the detection of every single fluorescence photon over a periodical excitation light signal to form a waveform of intensity decay (O'Connor et al., 1984) . The current technology makes the system very efficient, easy to set up, and able to detect weak fluorescence signals. TCSPC system employs a fast PMT with an instrument response < 30 ps (Becker et al., 2001) . As the fs pulsed laser has high repetition rate of 80120 MHz, a state-of-the-art TCSPC device can achieve count rates in the MHz range and acquisition times down to a few ms (Becker et al., 2001) . A high-resolution lifetime image, e.g., 512 512 pixel, can be collected within several tens of seconds. 2.2 Experimental Setup The
experimental configuration for lifetime imaging using a multiphoton laser
scanning microscope is shown in Fig.1(a). The specimens are mounted on a
Nikon inverted microscope (Diaphot 200) with an oil immersion objective
(NA = 1.4). A Coherent DMP-1000 Nd:YLF modelocked fs laser with
a nominal wavelength l = 1047 nm, a pulse duration tp ~ 200 fs,
a maximum pulse energy Ep = 7 nJ,
and a repetition rate Rp = 120 MHz
serves as the light source to excite the fluorophores via either two- or
three-photon excitation. The fs laser pulses are delivered to the
specimens via a Bio-Rad MRC 600 scanning head. To avoid photodamage, the
pulse energy is attenuated by a neutral density optical filter. The
induced fluorescence is then collected by a lifetime PMT (Becker &
Hickl PML-100) mounted underneath the microscope. The dichroic mirror
reflects the IR excitation light to the microscope and scanning head but
allows the visible fluorescence to pass through and reach the lifetime PMT
(Fig. 1(a)). The signals from both the lifetime PMT and the
synchronization fast PIN photodiode located at the laser exit are finally
used to determine the fluorescence lifetime through a Becker & Hickl
SPC 730 TCSPC system to form a lifetime image of 512
512 pixel, each of which has 256 time channels.
3. Results and Discussion Several
specimens were examined in this work, including fixed slices and living
embryos. The dimension of
each image is roughly 100
100 mm. Collecting time is
4060 s for fixed slices, while it takes longer for live embryos, about
80 s, due to their relatively weaker fluorescence emission. Further discussion and analysis are addressed as follows. 3.1 Histological Analysis of Fixed Slices The
fixed specimens under test are slices of brain, liver, uterus, and kidney
stained with several conventional chemical dyes to identify cellular
histology with high quality and resolution. Four regular fluorescence dyes
are used in this work: Thionine, methyl green, Tfl, and acridine orange.
Two fixed sliced specimens stained by Thionine are demonstrated in Fig. 2. The Thionine has a maximal
excitation wavelength of 596 nm
(Gurr, 1971)
, thus fluorescence is induced by two-photon excitation. Fluorescence
lifetime of each scanned pixel was measured by photon counting PMT and
determined using TCSPC system, the values of which are then expressed as
different colors. As the fluorophores bind with other molecules in their
microenvironments, e.g., lipids and proteins in a cell, the fluorophore
exhibits a shift in the fluorescence lifetime. In Fig.2 (a), the lifetime
image of a Cynomolgus monkey
uterus slice is shown, where the red color represents a shorter lifetime
around 400 ps while the blue indicates a relatively longer value of 800 ps.
As can been seen, the blood cells around the center exhibit shorter
lifetime, i.e., yellow, when compared with their neighboring tissues with
green and blue colors. In Fig. 2 (b), Thionine shows even shorter
lifetime when bound with brain cells and tissues. Due to the distinct
histology of the brain slice, it is very clear to see the resulted
variation in lifetime distribution in the image. The lifetime images,
therefore, highly improve the quality and contrast compared to the regular
confocal and multiphoton images, providing additional information to
pathologists and biomedical researchers. Another two fixed slices stained with methyl green with nominal excitation wavelength of 632 nm (Gurr, 1971) are shown in Fig. 3. Figure 3(a) shows a lifetime image of the medulla of a kidney from a Cynomolgus monkey. From this image, tissue histology can be clearly identified: (1) collecting ducts (cd), which are recognized by their columnar epithelium, (2) collecting tubules (ct), which have a cuboidal epithelium with a diameter that is wider and less regular than the ascending thick limbs, (3) the loop of Henle labeled as (I), (4) the descending thin limbs of the loop of Henle labeled as II, and (5) the vasa recta labeled as III, which are capillaries filled with erythrocytes. In addition to the histological information, shorter lifetimes of nuclei in the collecting duct, tubule and ascending thick limb than that of the surrounding cytoplasm can be found. On the other hand, the cells of descending thin limbs exhibit longer lifetimes than the surrounding structures. Another image is a liver slice stained with methyl green and shown in Fig. 3(b). Though applying the identical fluorophore, a big shift in lifetime distribution is found as compared with the kidney slice in Fig. 3(a), indicating the lifetime of the fluorophore varies and is very sensitive to the biochemical and biophysical environments. 3.2 Live Embryos of C. elegans and Drosophila
Two wild-type C. elegans embryos were separately tagged with GFP and YFP to histones, which appear in chromosomes at the cell nuclei. During the scanning process, autofluorescence was observed with the membranes and some other organelles in the embryos due to their endogenous fluorophores. Figure 4(a) shows the obtained lifetime image of early-stage C. elegans embryos tagged with GFP, where a continuous lifetime spectrum is shown with a range of 0.82.0 ns. The nuclei in the embryos can be clearly identified, which exhibit a longer lifetime shown by blue color. The lifetime of the autofluorescence shows relatively shorter values with a green color. Interestingly, the gut of C. elegans is also autofluorescent and shows a shortest lifetime, which is displayed as yellow at the bottom of Fig. 4(a). A second C. elegans embryos were tagged with YFP. Similar to the results of GFP, fluorescence from nuclei shows longer lifetimes around 2.02.6 ns (Fig. 4(b)), which agrees very well with the values when tagged with GFP in Fig. 4(a). One interesting finding is a dead embryo at the upper-left region in the figure, which only generates autofluorescence without any lifetime signature of the labeled nuclei. 3.3 Three-Dimensional Lifetime Images One
significant advantage of MPLSM is its capability to image deeper
sectioningtherefore, a stack of sectioning images can be
reconstructed to form a 3-D image. Furthermore, if the images are recorded
in a sequence of time, then a 4-D movie can be made
(Thomas and White, 1998)
. In this work, a 3-D lifetime image is
presented using a stack of sectioning images, providing additional
information for diagnostics as well as for the identification of cellular
Note in Fig 5(a), no information was collected for the space between slices due to the finite sectioning depth. However, a user-friendly software, VisBio, developed by Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation at University of WisconsinMadison can be employed to produce 3-D image with information interpolated between the 2-D slices (Eliceiri et al., 2002) . As VisBio allows any arbitrary slice across the stacks of images to be visualized, the cross-section image cut by an inclined slice in Fig. 5(a) can be obtained, which is shown in Fig. 5(b). Comparing with Fig. 5(a), the new 3-D image in Fig. 5(b) provides more information beyond the 2-D slices, with reasonable lifetime distributions observed, i.e., shorter lifetime in the upper sections than the lower ones. 3.4 Wavelength-Resolved Lifetime Images
The authors
gratefully acknowledge the support for this work by Prof. J. G. White and
Mr. K. W. Eliceiri
at UW-Madison. Also, the
authors appreciate Dr. Al Kutchera for specimen preparation and the
valuable comments from Dr. Jayne Squirrell, Dr. Fern Finger, and Prof.
Nirmala Ramanujam. References Dickinson,
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